Tragedy in Chornobyl
Because of an emerjency situation, an explosion happened on Chornobyl nuclear poworplant near Kyiv in Soviet Union
Tragedy happened last night on Chornobyl nuclear powerplant near Kyiv in Soviet Union. Our journalist team had not identified the cause yet, but the radiation was detected even in Sweden and Finland, so the catastrophe must be very huge and cities with people near an epicenter must be covered by the radiation
Almost immediately at the place of the accident specialists were...
The new blog, Kampty V3 and more intresting updates about me
Hi. I am Kampty, the creator of FurriesSpace (this website). This article will be about my personal website (kampty.xyz). I have published a new update recently and there are more changes coming soon
You may notice, that the blog section of my site started looking like this
This is because I no loger find it practical to have a blog feed on my website when I own a social media (which I created mostly as a publishing platform for myself BTW). I don`t expect much from...
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Tragedy in Chornobyl
Because of an emerjency situation, an explosion happened on Chornobyl nuclear poworplant near...
The new blog, Kampty V3 and more intresting updates about me
Hi. I am Kampty, the creator of FurriesSpace (this website). This article...