Hi. I am Kampty, the creator of FurriesSpace (this website). This article will be about my personal website (kampty.xyz). I have published a new update recently and there are more changes coming soon

You may notice, that the blog section of my site started looking like this

Deprecated blog

This is because I no loger find it practical to have a blog feed on my website when I own a social media (which I created mostly as a publishing platform for myself BTW). I don`t expect much from FS and I won`t be surprised if  nobody uses it, but I still find it a good idea to move the blog here

Kampty V3 and future goals

Back in the beginning of this summer, I was suffering from a depression, because I was changing my fursona every few monts. But, luckily, I found this blue fluffy cutie I have now on DeviantArt and amazingly for me, it was an adoptable, so I bought it and now I have my true sona. I called my mascot update Kampty V3 (There were Kampty V2, Kotyaken V3 and tons of other fursonas before, the name of my fursona is just "Kampty", the "V3" suffix is only used to describe my turnover between my old fursonas and my final one).

Now, I have started developing kampty.xyz V3, which means a global update of my personal website. While thinking about features I need on the new site, I thought, that having the blog directly on the website might not be useful for me, so that`s another reason why I have it here.

I am planning to update my English Instagram more often, so if you are intrested, please subscribe. The new FS blog page will be used to publish long stories, like this one, while Instagram, Bluesky and normal short posts on FS will be published with smaller updates. smallerI will also be posting more stuff here, so stay tuned

Of course, FS will recieve updates and there is a mobile app already on the way

So stay tuned for the next updates and good luck y`all